Difference between machine-made and hand-made carpets

Difference Between Machine-Made And Hand-Made Carpets

Difference Between Machine-Made And Hand-Made Carpets

Difference between machine-made and hand-made carpets,  machine made vs hand made carpets

A human being has the ability to perform wonders. Arts and craftsmanship comes from a person’s heart. One of the most creative art human can create is rugs and carpets. But a human mind is as brilliant as as the hands. Manufacturing carpets became possible through machinery as well.


There is an ocean of differences between handmade and machine made carpets, both with there own advantages and disadvantages. 


machine made carpet is efficient, way faster than hand made, but it comes with a great deal of disadvantages too. They contain some subtle toxins that can trigger allergies, skin reactions can be caused too. Hand-made carpets are not made of any synthetic fibers and are mostly chemical free. They are organic and harmless to your families. What decordec cares about the most is the happiness and satisfaction of you and your loved ones. 


A carpet manufactured by a machine can often limit our imagination. But a handmade carpet offers countless design choices. A person’s free will is prosperous. A little patience and hard work can result to a carpet that may surpass any machinery. The variations, uniqueness and the colour bring out the best in our carpets. 


Our products might not be beyond but are pleasant like any form of love. And the love offers warmth for our customer’s delight. Handmade carpets are warmer than machine-made, as they are formed by millions of tightly woven fibres. When a warm carpet catches our feet, heaven unleashes beneath. 


Handmade carpets are made for benefits, you will get a harmless, beautiful and warm experience if you install one in your household. Make your house more excellent by adding decordec’s brilliant pieces of craftsmanship. We provide everything you expect from a great, gorgeous and safe product. 




Difference between machine-made and hand-made carpets,  machine made vs hand made carpets

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